Load previous page…
think of 8 different names where domain name is still available #screenshots
write CSS for footer #screenshots
write CSS for 'coming soon' list #screenshots
check scaling of demo image for retina displays #screenshots
improve design, write new, refactor existing CSS #screenshots
write lots of CSS and create demo image #screenshots
make v1 of demo image #screenshots
abanbon implementing tweet button for now after looking into it more #screenshots
start in second attempt of implementing tweet button #screenshots
fix canvas-controls styling #screenshots
deploy website #screenshots
add 5 random background colors to start with #screenshots
add download as .png #screenshots
empty canvas before uploading new image #screenshots
Rewrite download functionality because I just broke it #screenshots
add 'Made By' box #screenshots
add color picker so user can change background color #screenshots
start on design #screenshots
make rough sketch for design #screenshots
find way to scale canvas to fit screen for larger screenshots #screenshots