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did you try talking to a person via email? works even better most times.
Beta List, Hacker News
Also, I think space them out. Each one is going to generate soooo much traffic and also probably find faults in your systems..... Do Reddit last when it's fully really for sure stable.
Read more about all this in @levelsio book makebook.io/
This big list might come in handy: github.com/mmccaff/PlacesToPo…
👋 Join WIP to participate
did you try talking to a person via email? works even better most times.
Beta List, Hacker News
Also, I think space them out. Each one is going to generate soooo much traffic and also probably find faults in your systems..... Do Reddit last when it's fully really for sure stable.
Read more about all this in @levelsio book makebook.io/
This big list might come in handy: github.com/mmccaff/PlacesToPo…