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I used to learn RoR with Rails for Zombies. I think its targeted at new Ruby devs though.. It was free a few years ago. www.pluralsight.com/courses/c…
www.railstutorial.org/ is really good. Go through this and you should have a great general purpose understanding of the framework. Then you can get further detail in guides.rubyonrails.org/ and api.rubyonrails.org/
Check out GoRails (gorails.com) great community and fantastic screencasts.
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I used to learn RoR with Rails for Zombies. I think its targeted at new Ruby devs though.. It was free a few years ago. www.pluralsight.com/courses/c…
www.railstutorial.org/ is really good. Go through this and you should have a great general purpose understanding of the framework. Then you can get further detail in guides.rubyonrails.org/ and api.rubyonrails.org/
Check out GoRails (gorails.com) great community and fantastic screencasts.