
Shipped People & Team page

Hey all,

Thanks to those who applied for March access! We'll email you later this week.

If you would like access but haven't applied - you can apply here.

As always, feel free to schedule 30 mins with us if you want to learn more about Driveway 🧐

On to the update:

🤗 It's about people... and teams

Knowledge management should be a team sport—something that everyone in your company is empowered to actively participate in.

This week, we added a People & Teams page to help organizations model and leverage their expertise. This is a great place to start if you need help on a specific topic or just want to connect with someone that shares your interests.

We also believe that existing knowledge management software over-indexes on content alone. It ignores the relationships between people working together and what they know. Driveway works to understand you and your team, helping it deliver better discovery and curation experiences.

Think of it like being able to Slack exactly the right person, at exactly the right time, and have them reply immediately with an answer—just way, way better for you and your team. 🙏

Other improvements and fixes

— Search got a nice visual update and some slick animations

— Driveway link previews in Slack will now display with proper mrkdwn formatting

— We added some user onboarding improvements as we continue to open up access

— Added a new template to help Growth teams share user feedback with their Product team

Thanks for reading,

Chris & Harrison

P.S. If you don't want changelog emails, click here.

P.P.P.S. Chris and Harrison are playing Dungeons and Dragons tonight for the first time since Middle School. Wish us luck 🧙‍♂️