
Roast my eBook page

Hey everyone,

I'd appreciate some roast for the page:

This is a page for my eBook that I'm selling to my YouTube and blog audience with TA of expats (or sometimes locals) living in the Netherlands. It's a Guide to buying a house in the Netherlands. 

It doesn't matter if you know anything about the topic; I'd be grateful for any general feedback, too.


Nice page! Some general feedback:

  • I'm not aware of normal pricing for eBooks but this seems expensive
  • The demo video is good, I'd put it higher up the page
  • You don't have a CTA to buy the book in the header of the page
  • Add some reviews from readers

Good luck!

Fantastic feedback, thanks!

Yeah, I am still playing around with the price. I was planning to sell it as a package with a calculator, but you might be right; if the person wants just an eBook, it's quite a steep price to pay. Maybe I need to create two bundles: just a book and another with a calculator, future updates, etc.

Will add other things, thanks!

for once i have no notes.

might be good offer book for free (limited people) to get some testimonials.

Oh, that's nice to hear, thank you!

I already had some sales. Just thinking about how would I ask them for testimonials xD Maybe I'll just ask by email if they are willing to give them.

  1. Fix headline

Achieve Success in Buying Your Home in the Netherlands

Long and clunky. Just say "Buy your home in the Netherlands as a foreigner"

  1. Video could be visible above the fold

  2. View sample could have smth like a PDF icon or some graphics

You can look at my Kamal Handbook or Test Driving Rails how I approach the preview image.

Good luck:)

Oh, nice, thank you for the tips and example!