
Project fatigue - concerns when creating new projects?

Curious about how people feel about when they have new projects and do they ever worry about fatiguing their followers? Like "oh great. here's another totally new thing."

I wonder how people handle that. Do you just make sure you don't abandon something you start? Or make sure to kill them quickly and just move on?

I've definitely fatigued my audience before because I was creating new things all the time but never actually launching the offers. (Don't do this lol. At least launch.)

What I've started doing now:

  • not talking about any project publicly until I've done at least 5-10 actions toward completing it. (This prevents me from sharing ideas while in a dopamine high then losing all interest the next day/week when the hyperfocus wears off.)

  • only having 1-2 primary projects/goals I talk about widely on social media. I don't talk about other projects/ideas until these are done and launched so I rebuild trust with my audience (and myself).

  • sharing other project ideas (not worked on yet), smaller projects, and more detailed updates on Substack so people can opt into hearing more if they want.

  • once I get a project 60% done, I create a wait list/registration of interest with Convert Kit (doesn't have to be CK, just make sure it's something with automation, unlike Substack) so people can get even more updates about that one specific project and get access to a test pilot/beta launch. (I'm getting ready for this step with my membership.)

If I have to abandon a project:

  • because I need to focus on revenue-generating activities/client work -- then I consider it paused, and I can't fill the spot with a new project since my focus is on client work.

  • because I don't have the skills to do it AND don't have time to learn the skills or resources to hire help, then (1) I messed up with not digging into the project in the initial stages enough and (2) I need to write a longer post/Substack explaining what happened (kind of like a failure-to-launch case study where I dig into why I'm either abandoning it forever or backburnering it. That way I'm not being chaotic and jumping around, which was how I (feel like I) lost some trust with my audience.

(For example, I have this pretty cool idea for a microSaaS product, but the only coding I know is what we used to do on Myspace ๐Ÿ˜‚ I'm not in ANY position to talk about that product publicly or document anything about it since I don't have capacity to learn coding (or even no-code software because that's still way above my current knowledge level). I also don't have the money to invest in paying someone to develop/create (make?) this product right now, so I simply haven't shared publicly. In the past, I would've been SO excited to share the idea without a singular thought about the execution, though lol.)

It's important to me for my audience to trust me that when I say, "I'm creating this," that they're excited and asking me for a launch date to get it, not thinking, "Okay, yeah, this won't happen." I rely 100% on my audience to monetize my work and pay bills, so I need to be prepared for them to rely 100% on me to do what I commit to do.

Amazing. Thanks for sharing your experience around this. Super helpful!