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I was in the middle of doing a private-beta launch of #derivex: a tool that enables traders to build and execute complex option-strategies easily and at specific prices.
Not so much because of the virus but the historic volatility of the markets has 100% made the ppl that had signed up for the beta launch to shift their focus to the markets.
I followed up with a bunch of ppl over email but noticed they weren't too responsive, so, instead of swimming against the current I'm refocusing my attention from a product which launch's is hurt but the current environment to a product that is favored by the current chaos:
#perspectiva, which is a product I've been thinking about working for a long time because I desperately need it myself: it's a journal app.
Another one? Yeah, the idea of is to be a partner in crime to always help you out with being consistent with a journaling habit.
It's an app that basically implements everything I've read in the past few years about habit-building into an app that is 100% focused on journaling.
I'm stalking you.
That's awesome! I love the design of the site. Simple and classy
Thanks! It's the first time in many many years I go without a template and just design it following my intuition, so I appreciate your comment greatly! :D