
Hello, I'm Zell and I'm new here.

What are you working on these days?

I've been working on four things recently:

- — my blog where I share stuff about frontend web development
- Magical Dev School — a collection of my web development courses and workshops.
- Splendid UI — a toolkit for the modern web which contains JavaScript utilities and Svelte components. 
- Gmail Filters App — Just a small app that makes gmail filters easier to use

What can the WIP community help you with right now?

There are several things up in my mind right now. 

For instance: 
- I'm wondering whether I should create Splendid UI as a free or paid component library? 
- I'm also wondering about the feasibility of the Gmail Filters app and whether anyone will even purchase a license for that. 

Both are things I need more clarity on. Haven't thought of a proper way to phrase the questions yet — so I'm just going to leave it here as an intro for now. I'll write the questions properly as a question when they're better formed. 

What can you help others with?

My expertise revolves around frontend web development so if you have any questions I'm happy to help out there. I also know a bit about marketing and copywriting but I won't call myself an expert there — much to learn, improve, and to make things work. 

Something else you want to share?

Really just want to think @drodol for inviting me. Didn't expect my application to be approved at all :)

And thank you everyone who's reading this. 

You are welcome Zell! I think at some point many years ago, I may have gone through a JS course by you or something. I recognized the name and decided to give you the invite I had recently earned. Welcome to WIP!

Thank you once again. I hope the JS course has helped you somewhat over the years :)

Welcome Zell, happy shipping ✌️
