
Do you prefer having discount codes automatically applied at checkout, or would you rather enter the code manually?

So for context.

I have moved from Lemon to for payment and their checkout accepts lowercase and uppercase discount codes.

This can be bad because customer does not more friction.

I don't know what to do, if to apply the code on checkout or keep going with the one i currently have.

Why not just auto apply the code when they click that link at the top? Include it as a URL parameter.

well, i have been told that people feels better by adding the discount, like they feel special or something...

I have tested it and conversion wasnt good... but you never know...

Couldn't you just do an animation to show the discount being applied, then update the link to include the discount when that happens? That should give people the illusion that they're applying a discount even though it's embedded in the link post click

no i cant add an animation because is not a custom a checkout from Polar. so what I did was write ( uppercase ) next to the code

Your entire site is just a webpage maintained by Polar (no code)? I thought you meant just the checkout UI is Polar

In that case, you are indeed shit out of luck as it relates to my idea 😅

ahh no no I have built the site myself with Astro, where did you meant to add the animation? Also yes, only the checkout.

Ah ok. Then include a banner at the top "25% off for whatever blah blah --- <apply discount button goes here>" and do the animation with some JS to show the price changing or a "✅ discount applied" notification

Then keep track of the state so when the user later clicks the checkout link or otherwise navigates there, the link has the discount code embedded and the discount code gets applied for them

Does that make sense?

ahh ok sort of yeah.

Ill see what i can do about that..animation,. Thank you for taking the time ben!

there's a psychological effect that causes a dopamine release when users enter that discount code manually. sometimes, we just have to add an extra step for user's minds to register that positive association more evidently.

yeah, that is true... but, isnt this a bit of too much of friction regarding the capitalization?

yeah i think polar should fix that? so the discount codes won't fix if they're wrong case?

yeah i have told them.

Exactly, the discount has to be exactly as the it has been typed on the dashboard while creating it. thats why I wrote ( uppercase ) next to the code and on the checkout.

that's bad. in that case, i'd auto apply the discount

it is, it looks so tacky. Thank you for taking the time1