
Creare Spaces, find your place to work. What do you think?

Hey! We launched Creare Spaces MVP few days ago and I want to collect some feedback. 

Our mission is to curate inspiring spaces around the world to work and for practising your passion. For that, these spaces have some features and special atmosphere (eg: natural light). Not any place to go with your laptop. 

The type of places:
  • Libraries
  • Bookstores with café
  • Coffee shops
  • Co workings

Monetization idea: monthly or yearly suscription.

For remote workers and digital nomads.

Complement it with newsletter about work remotely, productivity and creativity. Also with interviews with people as olimpic medallist, barista, illustrator and so on ( 

What do you think about our mission? Do you pay for it?
What is important for you to choose a place to work? Which features you need? 

Hey @Margacamps I love the idea! About 15 years ago I tried something similar but

a) The model was to charge the location end (free listings but extended profiles and featured profiles and number 1 - 3 spots in location finding were paid)

b) I was way too early - it was the first wave of digital nomads and not anywhere near enough people or traction outside of a few key locations

So I'm someone who works from cafes, coworks and libraries and bookshops, who would definitely use this but these days it would be more on my slow or work travels. I would pay a small amount IF it was really extensive - i.e. I could get comprehensive results for wherever I'm going that would mean I don't need to use google, instagram and bonus points for mentioning if there are power outlets and veggie options/smoothies/juices and if it's paid (i.e in Paris there's a fab bookshop with a cafe cowork where you pay by the hour/half day or day from memory). That doesn't really help you though because I'd not be an early adopter - I live in a small town.

I wouldn't need the newsletter for the payment - I'd be unlikely to read it as I largely stay away from tech/digital nomad/business style emails and accounts these days.

Maybe worth focusing on building out some specific locations first? It's a tough thing to build a global database that's curated!

Won't pay for something like this, lots of free alternatives that are 99% of the way there i.e., google maps, liquidspaces, etc

I'd instead suggest you monetize it by getting a shit ton of traffic and only later asking coworking spaces to pay for premium/sponsored listings instead of asking consumers to pay monthly

You should aim to have the most comprehensive directory of workspaces, extensive filtering/searching capabilities, etc. Also write blog posts and do all the usual SEO stuff to try to rank. I suspect you may have trouble ranking given the amount of competition for coworking related keywords but give it a shot anyway and see what happens

I can do my work at any place. Indeed a library, coffee shop, shopping mall, mcdonalds, in my car, in my hammock, anywhere where my phone has cellular data. Personally I don't see why I should subscribe to something just to find these places. Maybe the community itself would be the added value, instead of finding a location.