Quentin Durantay
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manage to embed vimeo iframe in template according to id in model #codercestcool
handle views restrictions using group for paid users #codercestcool
define USP and places where to find buyers #codercestcool
make theme index work with django #codercestcool
add livereloading to dev server #codercestcool
revamp app by removing django-compressor (bug) #codercestcool
fix staticfiles bug on heroku #codercestcool
host the very basic app to Heroku #codercestcool
build a very basic Django app #codercestcool
manage to setup postgresql DB locally #codercestcool
choose between vimeo and wistia as provider #codercestcool
get back meetups from mickael as example of courses #codercestcool
find three courses to prepare for launch #codercestcool
analyze results from Google Form #codercestcool
prepare Google Form and Google Sheet to get pain points from GHFR's interested people #codercestcool