Nate Ritter

Nate Ritter


I wanted to be the youngest US Open tennis player. Hit .500 in Little League, then quit because I struck out 50%. Still working on how to feel like I'm winning.
Tongbo Huang
Founder at Sidr Tax
Solopreneur building things
Marc Köhlbrugge
🔥 29
Maker of WIP. Building various other projects as well. Writing book about domain names.
Dmitrii Pashutskii
Quit my job to work on SaaS products and YouTube full-time.
Carl Poppa
🌶 228
Ran restaurants for 13yrs. Sold them. Now learning to code, stay fit, and build useful things :)
Hugo Hamel
🌶 194
🔄 Making Simple Solutions that Make Business Flow 🧱 Pixel Builder since 2005
John Leonard
I turn boring (procurement legislation) into actionable via bite sized chunks. Slowly learning coding to build the side projects that interest me.