


I make things • SINY FW14
Joined November 2021

Thanks Marc! I would definitely recommend it. They have a huge community. I’ve been to a few of their Unite conferences , so I know this to be a fact in real time. I personally haven’t developed any apps for the Shopify platform yet. But I worked on a team for a relatively small multi million dollar app that was based on it.

That is a cool project. I’m going to follow you. Thanks for following me. Yessir, I actually just finished watching Beserk. I am looking for a new recommendation. If you have any, that would be cool.

Ooo nice, I haven't watched that yet but I am reading it. Is the anime any good? First volume was a gritty ready but second volume is fun so far. Have you seen Code Geass? Probably my first recommendation for most as the ending is so satisfying.