Ashish Kumar (Ashfame) 🐲
Ashish Kumar (Ashfame) 🐲
Decentralization evangelist, Entrepreneur, Life hacker, Backend engineer.
Cyberpunk @ | Building AirGapped Crypto Vault live on stream
Cyberpunk @ | Building AirGapped Crypto Vault live on stream
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write a quick blog post for using Pace…
finally made Pace ajax progress animation working, agh #telops
fix some data manually cuz ssl cert cron worker logic was changed #sslalerts #httpscop
improve ssl cert expiration cron worker #sslalerts #httpscop
finished pull-domain functionality in redirections testing tool #redirecto
make progress with pull-domain functionality in redirections testing tool #redirecto
make progress with redirections test functionality - make import csv option work #redirecto
make progress with redirections test functionality #redirecto
source couple of seo people to showcase #redirecto
building good will in FB groups I just joined
talk to a potential client (market research) #redirecto