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Add charity trust scores add/edit functionality #givewithella
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#givewithella Calculate a charities trust score by averaging 4 other data points
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Add Nomad List inspired charity perception stats to hover action of charity cards #givewithella
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Add Charity perception scores submission UI #givewithella
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#givewithella Rethink charity perception scores UI for better UX
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#givewithella Add logic for showing, editing, and submitting charity perception scores
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#givewithella Add perception scores to cahrity cards on hover when in cause categories
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Improved UI layout for charity financial data, so it's easier to compare a charity's income vs spending #givewithella
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#givewithella Finish up new UI for charity profiles to display data more clearly and add a sense of ownership for charities
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Set Charity financial graphs to new wider layout #givewithella
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🖌 Add in charity profile menu #givewithella
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Charity profile build & integration #givewithella
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#givewithella Deploy new charity profile page design with perception scores feature
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Add hover state for charity and cause cards to provide visual cue to click #givewithella
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Add data accreditations to charity profiles #givewithella
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#givewithella Add minimal branding header to new charity profiles
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Add first 50 charities #givewithella
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Pull data from Charity Commision API to display on charity profiles #givewithella
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Pull charity data from Charity Commision API and display on charity profile #givewithella
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Remove Charity logo's from displaying in charities list in CMS #givewithella
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