Similar todos
have an evening of performance tuning of ClickHouse instance to prevent hiccups that surfaced due to increased load #spectate
migrate some more queries to clickhouse and see performance become instant! #spectate
look into clickhouse
do some more work with ClickHouse #spectate
migrate to new clickhouse cluster and see INSANE latency improvements in queries! #spectate
learn more about ClickHouse and make some more optimisations #spectate
finish clickhouse integration #spectate
import new #crisp analytics clickhouse data to production cluster and it's FAST
continue work on clickhouse integration for #capgo
fix clickhouse server that was suffering from 200GB worth of log tables #spectate
continue reviewing new #crisp analytics based on clickhouse
import clickhouse into #crisp development tools for new upcoming analytics engine
work on replicating local #crisp analytics clickhouse into a cluster
spending everning reading about clickhouse production deployment best practices while drinking beer #life
start import of 2.4 billion rows into clickhouse #crisp
finish setting up clickhouse cluster (3x data replicas + 3x "zoo"keeper nodes) for new #crisp analytics
deep dive into ClickHouse projections for a use-case and replace the materialized view as it was a worse approach #spectate
find out about a query causing high load - disabling the feature drastically improves performance #spectate