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still battling flu #yamlife
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Took day off sick with flu #sick
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Took day off sick with flu #sick
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Took day off sick with flu #sick
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rest up from flu #life
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recovering from flu #life
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half day with my sick kid and half day of #revsys client work
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more day job and still sick
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took the day off because I'm still not feeling well. #mylife
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🤒 sick day but trying to keep up so the day isn't a total loss #mylife
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Findshed arm day, even though my sinuses are killing me lol
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I woke up sick and spent half a day in bed. I hope to feel better and take advantage of the day off.
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✏ first half of my day home with my sick kid and doing day job the second half. #mylife
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2/3 of a day of work while juggling a sick two-year-old who had to come home midday #mylife
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Slow day, being kind to myself while sick #life
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Day off today because of allergies #life
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👪 family day and allergies are keeping me down. #mylife
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rest day - feeling a bit sick
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🤕 sick in bed for half the day due to headaches and my body not liking a week of over working #mylife
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down with flu #fajarsiddiq
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