Similar todos
setup models and migrations #linkcards
Migrations and models for #didit
create more models+migrations #casters
setup initial models and migrations #casters
create db migrations and start w sites crud controller #uptime
Start model migrations for organisations #veda
Setup rails project + User, Workshop & Category models #kobogo
Create migration, model, and controller for requests #larametrics
plan model/routes/controller #dashful
learned about Active Record Migrations in depth
update plan model & routes & controller #dashful
create courses model and controllers #smartypantsbot
setup models and views #pandageeks
Post tutorial on /r/rails #mugshotbot
#code understand how routs, contoller, views works
❤️Love the MVC Structure #Rails
Contract day. Lambda mongo and deploy redis. Route table fun.
model users in DB #codercestcool
add SQL migrations #dvlpht
set up user model #freelaworks