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Only set a deploy job to have one attempt so it doesn't automatically retry when it should have failed and the event ended #shipnix
Finish front-end flow for adding existing Github repos, leaving the final backend part for tomorrow #shipnix
Patch a bunch of minor issues up and work on the migration flow starter so I can publish it tomorrow #shipnix
Work on IHP template automated provisioner #shipnix
Fight with shell scripting intricacies, but finally be able to provision a server and right after perform actions on the server programmatically #shipnix
Improve importing existing Nix project #shipnix
Have more information and actions available when running a deploy event #shipnix
Functionality to replace the provisioned server repo with a custom one #shipnix
Send automated email when a server is successfully provisioned, provisioning fails or server rebuild fails #shipnix
Sharing servers with other users now fully functional #shipnix
Work on a node.js dev environment #shipnix
First steps in moving #shipnix into production
95% fix the Github create server flow. Feels like I'm doing heavy plumbing in a giant skyscraper, but soon it will be all good #shipnix
build pipeline #spectropic
Get IHP to deploy without any monkey patching #shipnix
Automated build pipeline #rymawbycom
Automated build pipeline #rymawbycom
Put public roadmap back on integrated into #shipnix and not it's own repo/server
Successfully make the "shipnixifier/Migrate" stage support all kinds of migrating to ship-nix so it's less confusing #shipnix