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Finish to fix challenge validation with @moul (…) #pathwar
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📦 fixes and refactors on #pathwar challenges (…)
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📦 update challenge metadata #pathwar (… &…)
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Work on validation fix PR (…) #pathwar
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Work on "Add a default agent flag on agents that will automatically create challenge instance for each challenges" (…) #pathwar
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Find out why passphrase wasn't replaced in helloworld challenge and fix it (…) #pathwar
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Finalize and merge #500 (…) #pathwar
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fix handling of message update on challenge lives #zeropercent
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improve access control on api based on subscription #wobaka
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add new challenge function #30days
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finish implementing automatic debug challenge spawn on agent register… #pathwar
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#zeropercent old challenge archiving and error handling for challenge creation
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Merge client PRs #rockkick
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📦 make the #pathwar api killable with signals (…)
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📦 maintainability refactors on #pathwar (…,…)
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📦 cleanup deprecated fields from the #pathwar API (…)
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connect api
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start challenge module rewrite #biblogy
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📦 add new admin CLI commands: challenges, users, agents, activities, organizations, teams, coupons, add-coupon, subscriptions #pathwar (…)
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check api improvements #pasfoto
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