Similar todos
Have meetings about project (DS course) #zg
Call about final project (DS course) #zg
Calls about final project (DS course) #zg
Calls about the final project (DS course) #zg
Attend final projects Q&A call (DS course) #zg
Meeting with TA about DS course project #zg
Attend DS course final presentations #zg
Calls about project (DS course) #zg
Call about final project #zg
DS course meetings #zg
Define and split backend tasks for the final project (DS course) #zg
Finish work meetings
Attend DS course #zg
Attend DS course #zg
Meeting about projects
Write my part of the final report + highlight important bits of the full doc (DS course) #zg
Catch up with DS course #zg
Work on the first part of the project datafolio (DS course) #zg
finish meetings #elyts
finish meetings #addison