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get intercom app to work in dev workspace #spectate
work on intercom app #spectate
make improvements to status pages #spectate
fix P1 issue causing downtime and delayed metric ingest #spectate
finish notifications for host alerts #spectate
fix small issues with host alerts #spectate
see first host incidents come in during testing #spectate
add timeframe to metric condition policies and create new job #spectate
setup pgBouncer for connection pooling due to reaching connection limit #spectate
work on metric condition ui #spectate
continue on alert policies #spectate
implement notifications for hosts #spectate
implement first alerts for hosts #spectate
start working on alert policies for hosts #spectate
do routine maintenance and move status pages from to self hosted server #spectate
update documentation #spectate
Work on onboarding drip campaign in Intercom #spectate
implement telegram integration #spectate
Prepare Intercom app listing 🚀 #spectate
fix some issues that occurred after deployment #spectate