Morflax studio
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Prepare resources for an in-flight coding session #morflaxstudio
Upload and test new abstract objects #morflaxstudio
Customer support #morflaxstudio
Prepare and test new mockup: zipped hoodie #morflaxstudio
Deploy fixed icons and timeline improvements #morflaxstudio
Export video with new 3D mockup #morflaxstudio
Prepare and test new mockup: unzipped hoodie #morflaxstudio
Customer support #morflaxstudio
Design new tool cards for #morflaxstudio website
Move 3D icons to external storage + CDN #morflaxstudio
Design session: #morflaxstudio items & templates pages
Design session: #morflaxstudio homepage
Improve vector handling #morflaxstudio
Customer support #morflaxstudio
Experiment with different vectors and create some artworks in #morflaxstudio
Check new 3D objects & provide feedback for a designer #morflaxstudio
Upload fixed uv 3D models #morflaxstudio
Record redesigned #morflaxstudio animation timeline video and post it on X:…
Improve #morflaxstudio timeline styling
Add easing functions to the keyframe tooltip and allow it to resize on the click #morflaxstudio