Manfred's Life
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📦 finish to write the importer for my blog, now I need to finish porting old markdown posts into notion pages #life
🛠 moved the two last crons running on my laptop to a remote server (they were using puppeteer to control a chromium instance) #life
📦 setup a workflow of apple/iOS keyboard shortcuts with peers #life
🤯 finished porting my blog's markdown files into notion + custom importer notion importer is finished soon #life
📦 converting my markdown blog to notion pages #life
🛠 configure datadog on servers #life
👥 bump hugo and node dependencies on #life
🛠 reconfigure prod servers with updated letsencrypt companion #life
📱 rollback iOS 14 beta #life
🛠 add 10 missing websites to uptimerobot monitoring #life
🛠 reconfigure prod servers with updated letsencrypt companion #life
🛠 add 10 missing websites to uptimerobot monitoring #life
🗺 aggregating a lot of maps to find my next place to live #life
💡 start a new product #life
📞 call a promising student to give early advices on his career #life
🚢 release, a webpage I can curl | sh when I arrive on a new server #life
👌 inbox zero on github notifications and mailboxes (but 56 todos in my trello inbox -_-') #life
↗️ migrate from sketch to figma #life
🤯 attend a small "process communication" class #life