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footer #homestretch landing page
get twitter #homestretch
added most sections for landing page #homestretch
create nav/about page #homestretch
research LLC names in state of new york #homestretch
setup wp/elem #homestretch
set up wordpress for landing page #homestretch
splitting #homestretch launch and app into different subdomains.
debug the new deploy to production #homestretch
dns and sub domain adjustments for landing page #homestretch
logos for #homestretch
add tailwind to django #homestretch
decide to not use webflow start landingpage #homestretch
setup gsuite for #homestretch
create initial client email model #homestretch
finish visits #homestretch
refactor database for unique ID's #homestretch
get output on tests working #homestretch
create models for the visits #homestretch
more visit integration #homestretch