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new site #downpayment need to complete faq, menus, blog, about and JS embeds; check in and push live
edit faq on new site #downpayment
push to repo and netlify build #downpayment
New main website! #downpayment…
FIX: replace placeholder grey image cuz link expired ssl, with local copy #downpayment
FIX: allow 2 letter names in validation #downpayment
FIX: redirect to short url (current) after donation checkout instead of the shared_url with name appended. #downpayment
updated categories in Beamer widget and posted about roadmap. #downpayment
updated public and partner roadmaps. #downpayment first pass.
week 13 march 29 update post on DPP #downpayment
remove partners. and go. subdomains and redirect partners. to new partner signup for now. #downpayment
unpack snowlake templ for new main website. tweak and check in #downpayment
fix roadmap URLs in app and DPP blog. #downpayment
setup domains for client facing, plus other. #downpayment
setup with dns. acquired a while ago. #downpayment
added investor update email list. I have no investors but I thought it would be a worthwhile effort to generate monthly emails as if #downpayment
setup getrevue, viral-loops, and new pages on DPP. #downpayment
fix history :back edge case between partner and client login. test #downpayment
fix zapier RSS feeds for courses and community; update schedule.rb and crontab manually. test and restart crontab. #downpayment test in dashboard
naming changes in Profile; Resources font weight on dashboard; fix registry preview and edit dashboard Back button and javascript hack. #downpayment