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went to a hackathon hosted by and shipped something #100daysofcode
downloaded node.js and ran local js file #100daysofcode
start javascript and react course again #100daysofcode
Finished capstone project + completed "build a website" skill path #100daysofcode
Build website capstone project #100daysofcode
Published first live webpage, deployed to Github pages #100daysofcode
Learning basic git workflow #100daysofcode
learn publishing a website #100daysofcode
Advanced CSS: transitions #100daysofcode
work on off-platform CSS projct #100daysofcode
Advanced CSS: flexbox #100daysofcode
CSS design and debugging practice project #100daysofcode
CSS documentation and debugging #100daysofcode
Finish course on responsive design #100daysofcode
Finished intermediate css course #100daysofcode
Intermediate CSS courses and projects #100daysofcode
Started intermediate CSS #100daysofcode
continue building local website using html/css #100daysofcode
completed CSS visual rules, started building first local HTML/CSS project #100daysofcode
set up web development environment, built html page on VSCode #100daysofcode