BKK Rent Map
BKK Rent Map
A (mostly crowdfunded) guide to the price of rent in Bangkok. Should be ready by February 2025.
Fix up mobile interface problems #bkkrentmap
Complete the -/+ functionality in HUD filter for map #bkkrentmap
Add a blog section to help promote the project with some additional content #bkkrentmap
Figure out a replacement UI element for bedrooms picker since input[number] isn't great #bkkrentmap
Fix interface on small (mobile) screens in the map (except for modal, that will be later) #bkkrentmap
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Re-work the map interface, less focus on districts now, just plot points onto map with search filters #bkkrentmap
Allow people to submit their rent values from the map page #bkkrentmap
Add a "add location to the map" button / modal window. Add a captcha to it to prevent abuse #bkkrentmap
Enable gzip in prod, reducing districts geojson from 4.5mb to 1.3mb #bkkrentmap
Plot map points (with cost comparison color) on the district maps #bkkrentmap
Implement the most basic of algorithms to compare rental costs in BKK and display results on map #bkkrentmap
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Set up a background job to do calculations for aggregates table #bkkrentmap
Refactor to reduce loading time by loading geojson separately as a static asset #bkkrentmap
Plot existing data points onto map as a source layer #bkkrentmap
Add center_point coords from geojson data allowing for an easy zoom on click #bkkrentmap
Clicking a district now brings up a popup that will show district data #bkkrentmap
Hovering over district now shows district name #bkkrentmap