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postmark upgrade #alertbnb
v1 release with alerts and email notification features #alertbnb
deactivate alert api for deploy #alertbnb
fix hosting issues after $76 hosting fees #alertbnb
update tweet posted… #alertbnb
Finally (semi) happy with this initial listing alert email appearance #alertbnb
getting closer to an acceptable HTML listing alert template (never realised the lack of HTML styling support for emails would be so painful) #alertbnb
alert email backend setup #alertbnb
general alert model changes #alertbnb
postmark listing alert template implemented #alertbnb
social/manual registration booleans added to check how user registered #alertbnb
alert activation credit checking implemented #alertbnb
stripe subscription cancel/update edge cases handled #alertbnb
alert provisioning stripe webhook #alertbnb
stripe flow improvements #alertbnb
stripe subscription edge case handling #alertbnb
monthly alert provisioning task implemented #alertbnb
monthly alert provisioning task scheduling #alertbnb
new version of Alertbnb deployed with features, cta, stripe integration, auth, etc #alertbnb