Job status on podcast page #upload
import all button above youtube on podcast settings page as own notification, describe why only yt atm #upload
add error catch in setinterval function #upload
fix findremovesync #upload
add hyperlinks to shownotes in twitter embed #upload
Change credit card/cancel subscription/change subscription w/ stripe #upload
Migrate from plasso, ughhhhh #upload
Add Stripe signup to carrd page #upload
Add yearly/monthly plans #upload
update podcast link every time feed is refreshed #upload
parse description on import to job, not when uploaded #upload
remove service from agenda service array once that job is completed, prevents duplicate uploads if another service fails without proper exit #upload
Finish Twitter integration #upload
Upload youtube and fb profile pictures to cdn #upload
delete old files in temp folder #upload
Get description parsing working 100% #upload
Redo way to add a podcast #upload
Add substitution tricks for description, title, vice-versa #upload
Fix description html with this package… #upload