Load previous page…
Put in empty strings/values for those not supplied, easier to deal with later than nulls. #buzzd
Change editable slider on Current Sesh page to LED meter. #buzzd
Enable click on list items to highlight one entry of current session. #buzzd
Make it so you tap on a row and it pops up a summary of that entry. #buzzd
Current Session should show pics and buzz of current stuff prominently. #buzzd
Make the list of entries more "material" aesthetic or something. #buzzd
Separate the Current Session and make a Next Round page. #buzzd
Move to current session page when clicking a sessionId. #buzzd
Make it select most recent session by default. #buzzd
Keep history session list view at top of list. #buzzd
Change title to reflect current session. #buzzd
Sort sessions in reverse chronologica order. #buzzd
Make each session entry able to go through entries #buzzd
Make static list of the session data #buzzd
Make the Notes and Photos reset when you add a new entry (keep buzz level). #buzzd
Make photos refresh after selecting them. #buzzd
Limit max size of pics to say 1024px or something. #buzzd
Fix alignment on photos. #buzzd
Fix width of stoopid buzz level slider. #buzzd
Pre-fill session id. #buzzd