posh tui

posh tui


Console based offline documentation browser for Ruby develop
Hello everyone, This is my first installment of development journal for Posh TUi app. I'll do everything possible to make such notes a bi-weekly occurrence. It also helps me to be accountable and to structure my thoughts to ensure that everything is on a right track. Read in full here: https://w...
This is a second progress report for a command line tool called "Posh TUI". It's an API documentation browser for ruby developers.  My name is Stanislav Katkov. I got really frustrated that there are no viable alternatives for Dash, so embarked on a journey to build one. If you are not using Mac/...
Another progress update was published. It's a bit earlier than usual, but I felt that a significant milestone was reached and decided to hit publish button now. TLDR: - Finished integrating search index database into rdoc-markdown gem and significantly improve the markdown generated. - Generat...