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fix firewall things on prov servers #abcgamers
dev -> work on stripe/quaderno payments #abcgamers
dev -> make country list properly populated and searchable 🔎 #abcgamers
dev -> create own checkout using Stripe Elements (frontend) - because why not 🤷♂️ #abcgamers
dev -> make Quaderno / Stripe checkout working on frontend #abcgamers
dev -> prototype VUE component for Stripe Elements (receive Stripe tokens successfully) #abcgamers
review issues with html emails #abcgamers
check Octobat and Quaderno dev docs for Stripe integration (and VAT compliance) #abcgamers
dev -> 'verify email address' logic, tokens, and mails (backend) #abcgamers
dev -> 'verify email address' components (front end) #abcgamers
dev -> finalize Forgot Password / Reset Password functionality including tokens validation, emails etc #abcgamers
dev -> 'reset password' components (front end) #abcgamers
tech call with MP re security #abcgamers
dev -> 'forgot password' logic, tokens, and mails (backend) #abcgamers
dev -> 'forgot password' components (front end) #abcgamers
tech call with MP re certs, api calls etc #abcgamers
dev -> send confirmation email to users when they change their email address #abcgamers
dev -> create first email template with PUG including html headers & footers and css styling #abcgamers
dev -> set up & configure 'emails-template' for nodemailer #abcgamers
tech call with MP re #abcgamers