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Add navbar shortcut for creating new sites #sitewatcher
Add navbar shortcut for creating new users #sitewatcher
Restrict users to just Admin role for MVP #sitewatcher
Cleanup UI elements with functionality not included in MVP #sitewatcher
Standardize icons across app #sitewatcher
Update app to use new logo #sitewatcher
Allow users to modify existing checks #sitewatcher
Allow users to delete existing checks #sitewatcher
Allow users to create new site checks #sitewatcher
Hire designer for product logo #sitewatcher
Implement organization dashboard #sitewatcher
Implement password reset emails #sitewatcher
Implement email alert notifications #sitewatcher
Hire Google ads consultant to improve ad performance for prelaunch campaign #sitewatcher
Allow users to enable/disable individual notification targets #sitewatcher
Implement SMS alert notification messages #sitewatcher
Implement user notifications preferences screen #sitewatcher