Ask User
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Optimize “Why” section for mobile #askuser
Optimize the hero block for the mobile #askuser
Optimize the cookie banner for mobile #askuser
Optimize the top bar for mobile #askuser
Show the cookie banner only to EU visitors #askuser
Fix “TypeError: iframeEl.contentDocument.getElementById(...) is null” #askuser
Came up with the question for the hero block #askuser
Add sprinkles to the hero section #askuser
Update the cookie banner #askuser
Introduce scroll-to-id feature to the router when hash is present #askuser
Come up with the list of improvements for the landing page structure #askuser
Answer to comments at IH #askuser
Fix “TypeError: Cannot match against 'undefined' or 'null’.” in the country detection code #askuser
Get email notifications enabled for Braintree production environment #askuser
Fix problem with Firebase not liking undefined values #askuser
Track funnel steps to GA #askuser
Came up with billing release plan #askuser
Get approved by Braintree #askuser
Setup Sentry for every function in Firebase Functions #askuser
Refactor cloud functions #askuser