finish junit api for #rf
remove junit code from #rf cli, and convert to use the new api…
change slackbot to show annual clients differently to payg #rf
Finish Netlify plugin for #rf
#rf SEO; delete the old blog posts
#rf ship AJs blog posts
#rf what the definition of done is for the amplitude project!
#rf create a tester waitlist system
#rf figure out / add segment to and (marketo?)
 #rf what is role of CRM / salesforce @ rf going fwd?
ship updated admin identification code #rf
#rf who from eng should be running avo from the engineering side
#rf terraform for segment, finish testing it
#rf terraform; has anyone written a google-analytics plugin?
#rf setup alerts for analytics end-to-end tests (after they actually run)
#rf fix github-actions crap with js tests of analytics
figure out where this random traffic is coming from #rf
#rf implement new analytics codes
#rf fix - it's missing segment code
#rf write e2e tests for logged in users for analytics pipe