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Setup env conditional configs #stronger
Study example of secure password validation/storage with bcrypt #stronger
Setup local mongo server for development #stronger
Get cookies working between server and client #stronger
Research options for user signup/auth in Next.js #stronger
Connect user pages to API #stronger
Setup dynamic routing for user pages #stronger
Study docs/examples for using Next.js API routes #stronger
Port mock auth hook and global header to Next project #stronger
Define styled-jsx snippets in VS Code #stronger
Port global styles and layout to Next project #stronger
Setup a new Next.js project to begin porting #stronger
Add nav layout for authed user #stronger
Wrap mock auth context in hook #stronger
Setup mock auth context #stronger
Fix ugly (thick) hr between feed filters #stronger
Add emoji to header logo #stronger
Adjust feed filter layouts #stronger
Improve contrasting styles of main grid #stronger
Add layout for streak board #stronger