Refactor and update testing utilities #stronger
Add tests for signin flow #stronger
Unit test request handler for /journal #stronger
Unit test request handler for landing #stronger
Read about all new features/improvements in Next.js 9 #stronger
Ask Spectrum/Discord channels for help testing Next.js API routes #stronger
Improve Jest setup for multi-environment testing (i.e. for Mongo + Mongoose) #stronger
Read docs on snapshot testing with Jest #stronger
Read @swizec's walkthrough on mocking fetch in Jest #stronger
Handle unauthorizeded requests on protected paths with redirects #stronger
Solve bug happening in protected routes #stronger
Debugging atuh server after changing routing around #stronger
Add signup/signin page links to site nav #stronger
Wrap protected pages in layout component w/ auth context #stronger
Organize middleware into separate directory #stronger
Debug protected page middleware #stronger
Social posts about progress #stronger
Finish studying MDN docs on CORS #stronger
Reply to all the helpul people in the Next.js Spectrum channel #stronger
Study to better understand CORS #stronger