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bugfix when changing workspace user #support
change landing page copy to talk about webchat #support
let webchat visitors download files sent to them #support
bugfix for notifications on logout #support
add about page which is mission oriented #support
add intro paragraph to the blog #support
change webchat subdomain to platform.x in production #support
wrote post about new webchat feature… #support
user email verification #support
setup welcome mail (transactional) #support
show which timezone is used for business hours #support
styling changes on the landing page #support
add a sequence number to webchats, otherwise they would look all the same (anon user) #support
show who open/closed a conversation meta messages #support
change username handling to always show atleast part of the email #support
onboarding takes into account that there are two channels now #support
made list of competitors to develop a sense for pricing #support
setup forms to customize webchat: headline, primary color, privacy link #support
put webchat to staging, found out that it can be deployed with just netlify #support
testing the webchat widget, fixing last bugs before prod #support