Back office automation, transparency, reporting, & freedom
Launched February 12, 2020
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Provide detailed feedback for homepage illustrations #anyhow
Wrap up pending requirements for info needed tasks #anyhow
create custom unsubscribe scenarios #anyhow
Review incoming changesets for post categorization #anyhow
QA employee import tool #anyhow
Write final requirements for post categorization #anyhow
Review illustrations and provide feedback #anyhow
Deploy celery/kombu fix for dev environment #anyhow
Prepare upcoming blog posts #anyhow
Process all QA cards for #anyhow
Test + feedback for spinner / attachment deletion process. #anyhow
Push pending updates to QA env. #anyhow
Processed wysiwyg, attachments, and new nav cards. #anyhow
Push all hot fix changes to production #anyhow
Rework logic for time sheet (and log) re-approval workflow. #anyhow
Work on 4 failing tests. #anyhow
identify and resolve invoice bug when dealing with approved timesheet reapproval. #anyhow
Work on troubleshooting current progress cards #anyhow
Test all upgrade/downgrade processes #anyhow
Write copy for new notification emails #anyhow