Me, a Product of Myself (MPM)
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#me ⚡ workout at home
#me ⚡ add currency converter and purchase calculator to shares spreadsheet
#me ⚡ improve stocks spreadsheet
#me 🎉 create spreadsheet to track stock investments
#me 🎉 learn about
#me 🎉 buy $PACW shares
#me 🎉 attended a zoom birthday party
#me 🎉 buy $ET units (shares, but for MLPs)
#me 🎉 first bitcoin transaction ever
#me 🎉 help yetty with comp sci bank project
#me 🎉 learn about master limited partnerships
#me 🎉 learn about options trading (thanks @dmeville on twitter)
#me 🎉 thank dentist for specialist referral after smooth extraction
#me 🎉 call Darren Flower
#me 🎉 connected with Utku via twitter
#me 🎉 video-call sule and kazeem
#me ⚡ call mom and dad
#me 🎉 bought $BMA and $PVL shares
#me ⚡ open usd account in Canada
#me ⚡ reach chapter 7 of The Wealthy Barber