Me, a Product of Myself (MPM)
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#me ⚡ cjs-task: pluggable: lifecycle hooks: step-created
#me ⚡ cjs-task: pluggable: lifecycle hooks: task-end
#me ⚡ cjs-task: pluggable: lifecycle hooks: task-start
#me ⚡ cjs-task: pluggable: import cjs-sync-hooks
#me 🎉 added warnings in the READMEs of supe addon behavior rolled into core
#me ⚡ setup eslint
#me ⚡ cjs-task: automatically catch errors in steps and end task
#me ⚡ cjs-yield: improve readme
#me 🎉 send voicenotes to friends and family
#me ⚡ create pull request to patch anti-captcha lib
#me ⚡ make supe wait for citizen to request mail before sending it
#me 🎉 created first WordPress Gutenberg block
#me ⚡ fixed bug in node remote supervision add-on
#me ⚡ log signal send failures in supe, instead of sending a notice
#me ⚡ supe addon: remote supervision
#me 🎉 completed first client brainstorming
#me 🎉 node-supe 0.4.0
#me ⚡ added stdout and stderr piping to supervisor in node-supe core
#me ⚡ added lifecycle logging to node-supe core
#me ⚡ switched node-supe extension points from notices to hooks