MacBook Alarm
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#macbookalarm get featured in genbeta…
#macbookalarm make perfect screensaver text
#macbookalarm anti mute sound
#macbookalarm find a way run custom screen when alarm is on
#macbookalarm add big button switcher
#macbookalarm write to all people who bought and ask why they bought the app
#macbookalarm add feedback label to chat to help people leave feedback
#hardcoreyear make a live launch of #macbookalarm in Twitch
#macbookalarm Find a problem why users who paid the the error app and the test it again
#macbookalarm add text to the video
#macbookalarm launch in Reddit:…
#macbookalarm launch in HN…
#macbookalarm start live stream of the launch
#macbookalarm make site a bit better
#macbookalarm make app ask password only one time
#macbookalarm find a way how to not FUCKING USE THIRD PARTY KERNEL EXTENSIONS
#macbookalarm make app demo demo
#macbookalarm send first update and beta to all users from pre-sales
#macbookalarm click on textbox to open bot
#macbookalarm Lock screen when enable the tool