Email Otter
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bulk upload email addresses from csv in lil chunks #otter
add isAdmin to user if admin logged in #otter
figure out aws ses thing #otter
sign up form for sending #otter
bulk delete contacts #otter .
Hook up AWS SES 💌 #otter
add strapi encryptable fields for keys… #otter
try out strapi content versioning #otter
upgrade strapi to latest version #otter
add image loading animation back into component menu #otter
load the editor and panels in smoothly #otter
fix block dropdown where pointer-event prevented click #otter
do some tweets, share on linkedin too #otter
'Content Assist' interaction… #otter
make create button have dropdown #otter
start changing dashboard layout so it shares concepts from editor #otter
refactor left sidebar, trying out Jim's BrandBird app too #otter
don't let highlight beyond current section #otter