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🚢 Ship: Add Blurt to PH Upcoming.… #blurt
📣 Marketing: Get confirmation from reddit r/writing admins to see if it's cool to introduce there. (It is!) #blurt
🚀 Feature: Generate blurt preview images for OG tags and use on URL requests. #blurt
✨ Enhancement: User Sendgrid template for Welcome email. #blurt
🚀 Feature: Twitter and Facebook share popups for blurt. #blurt
✨ Enhancement: Mobile friendly Blurt! #blurt
👾 Bug: Properly setup Stripe subscription trial API... 😬 #blurt
✨ Enhancement: Add footer with links to privacy and terms. #blurt
🤫 Add privacy and terms. #blurt
🚀 Feature: Finish settings page. #blurt
✨ Enhancement: Use Stripe's 7 day trial. Allow users to cancel and renew once account created. #blurt
✨ Enhancement: Update landing page—no longer allow use until signup. #blurt
✏️ Prototype: Design the Settings page. #blurt
✨ Enahancement: Improve mobile UI/media queries. #blurt
🚀 Feature: Add tooltips to session controls. #blurt
🚀 Feature: Add ability to add link to highlighted text or typing valid url #blurt
🚀 Feature: Add inline style formatting #blurt
Speed reading gif for social media #blurt
Create new paragraphs when pressing return in outline view. #blurt
Identify and highlight hard to read sentences. #blurt