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Hey, I wanna make simple lazy load for images in Sheet2Site because now it's just loading all. Example of site: www.iskandarlist.com/
Maybe I need to load not only images with lazy load but cards? Like in nomadlist.com/?
I used this for #routeshuffle. Simple to integrate and it only loads images that are visible. appelsiini.net/projects/lazyl…
I am using lazysizes most of the time. It works quite well. github.com/aFarkas/lazysizes
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Hey, I wanna make simple lazy load for images in Sheet2Site because now it's just loading all. Example of site: www.iskandarlist.com/
Maybe I need to load not only images with lazy load but cards? Like in nomadlist.com/?
I used this for #routeshuffle. Simple to integrate and it only loads images that are visible. appelsiini.net/projects/lazyl…
I am using lazysizes most of the time. It works quite well.