Roast my mobile app - DadApp
I have been working in service-type businesses for the past decade and more. Right now, I understand I cannot keep that pace for another decade, and I want to build something of value. I started building a mobile offline app for dads with an unambiguous name - DadApp :)
It’s still early (v1), and I’d appreciate your feedback, criticism, or ideas on what you would like to track. Android is not ready yet, but it will be in the next few weeks/months.
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I'm not the target market, but this looks solid. I can see where you're coming from.
I would push this into "parenting" groups on reddit and other socials to get users + feedback.
Also, if you create an account for this, and start commenting on other influencer pagers targeting family/parenting content, you could drive some interest. One page that comes to mind is "saveyoursons".
Thanks for your feedback and idea!
On Android, so can't use the app itself. Idea seems solid. Lots to keep track of as a papa.
One thing I would say - in your marketing materials, you seem to focus on things that are rarely needed. For example, blood type, vaccinations, birthdays. It's not that they're not needed, just rarely so.
But day-to-day, week-to-week, I'd be more interested in helping in household banalities. Things that you list as "coming in next releases": shopping lists, chores, etc. For example my son plays football. His practices start at different times of different days of the week. He plays tournaments at different fields in the city. Just knowing that papa needs to pick up Little Johnny and take him directly to the field on Tuesdays and not Thursdays - including make sure he brings his boots and kit in his backpack - is a pain point, for sure.
This of course naturally also raises the ability of the mom being involved in this as well. Does it make sense to have a companion app then for moms? Or with such an app, does the dad become chief record keeper for these things instead? How do you plan to involve moms in all this?
Anyways less of a roast, more of I'm curious where you plan to take this in future.
Thanks for your ideas and insights. I initially considered making this ‘online’ for family collaboration but ultimately pivoted to ‘offline’ to avoid exposing this kind of data online. Another factor I considered is the business model. With an ‘offline’ app, I could offer a one-time payment option, for example, $10. However, with an ‘online’ app, a subscription model would be necessary, which seems challenging to market, even at $1-2 per month.
Honest question: would you find it acceptable to pay $5/month for an app that helps solve “day-to-day, week-to-week” routines?