
no-code tool that allows permissions?

Anyone who knows something about lowcode/ nocode tools? 🤔🤔 I am trying to help a friend with some advice on making something.

He's trying to make a basic CRUD web app with a list of schools. And those schools have courses with just basic info. So far so good.

But, it should be possible to give specific users admin rights to edit their school. And then, to allow them to assign other users to edit specific courses.

Anyone know of a lowcode/nocode tool that allows this sort of hierarchical permissions?

Probably Wordpress has some ACL solutions.

Thanks all. Bubble seems like it could do almost anything, but would take quite some effort to build, not far from just doing it in code.

For other people's reference: some of the no-code / low-code apps I've looked at;

Bubble - no code webapp

Wappler - low code web & app

WebFlow - web apps
--> can be combined with Memberstack for user mngmnt - multilingual no code mob + web app

draftbit - no code mob + web app

appgyver - no code mob + web app

Remake - low-code web app (by WIP member - plain HTML -> web app) - “internal business apps”

budibase - “internal business apps” - no code web content bizz, A/B, marketing (CMS...)

BravoStudio - mobile apps - no code ... something - no code mobile app, looks shakey

pory - make simple site from airtable

Carrd - one-page web apps