
Looking for some Testimonials!


I'm planning to launch ScheduleWave (when FB has approved all my scopes). I'm looking for some testimonials on my home page (bottom section).

You can already schedule:

- Tweets;
- TikTok posts;
- LinkedIn posts;
- Youtube posts;

I'll give you a free account for a couple of months in exchange for a testimonial.

If you are interested please send me a message: [email protected] or


Hey Lars, happy to test the platform! I can share it with my growth design assistant who manages more than 10 social media accounts.

We currently use Feedhive, what's the biggest difference or advantage of moving to ScheduleWave?

Hi Nick, thanks for your reply. That would be really cool. If you register on the site I will give you a free account! Currently, there is no difference between Feedhive and ScheduleWave, however, maybe I will niche down on some things.

"When a market is crowded and saturated, it means that many people want to buy something, and there are lots of options available, which makes suppliers compete with each other."

No Instagram?

Yes instagram and fb are available as well. Only waiting to be approved by fb review team :)

Would love to test it then. Ultimately I'm looking for all platforms but first I would like to focus on Instagram as I have an audience there.

Sure! Will inform you once I've been approved!