Hello, my name is Daniel France
What are you working on these days?
Hey Everyone, I'm working on & Voyage builds temporary previews of pull requests helps organizations get the entire team involved, not just Devs reviewing features. RoastorToast is a personal project and challenge for me. It's a small team of successful founders (over $5M LTV) and we provide personalized, actionable advice for other founders free of charge.
What can the WIP community help you with right now?
Imposter Syndrome has kept me as a lurker for a decade. I'm ready to join communities and get involved. As an introvert, I'm looking for accountability regarding being active in communities
What can you help others with?
I'm a fullstack Dev with GCP certification. I can help with technology implementation, solutions architecting, and providing product advice.
Something else you want to share?
I'm currently based in OKC, have 2 Frenchies, suck at twitter, and have a love of travel. I can't wait until I'm able to get back out into the world
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